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Getting to Grips with TurboGears

I kept this log of my TurboGears installation process on my Windows XP Pro machine.

  • ~19:20: visited webpage “www.turbogears.org”
  • 19:25 – 19:28: installed running “tgsetup.py” with an existing Python 2.4.2
  • added c:\python24\scripts to the path
  • 19:31: ran “tg-admin info”
  • started writing this notes-file
  • 19:36: started to follow the “getting started” tutorial at http://docs.turbogears.org/1.0/Wiki20/Page1?action=show&redirect=1.0%2FGettingStarted
  • 19:37: “easy_install docutils” … distutils are working great!
  • 19:38: “easy_install pysqlite” is not working 🙁
    No local packages or download links found for pysqlite
    error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse(‘pysqlite’)
    site mentioning such a problem on ubuntu: http://inre.dundeemt.com/2007-01-05/installing-pysqlite-in-a-workingenv-on-unbuntu-610/
    “easy_install -f http://initd.org/pub/software/pysqlite/releases/2.3/2.3.2/ pysqlite”
  • 19:42: that seems to have worked
  • 19:45: got IPython which was mentioned in the tutorial (http://ipython.scipy.org/dist/)
  • 19:48: “tg-admin quickstart” (output saved to quickstart_log.txt)
  • 19:51: ran webpage using “start-leiftest1” (output saved to server_log.txt)

Voila, just thirty minutes from first contact with webpage to a working own installation and I even had an unexpected problem to solve on the way. That seems pretty impressive to me – I like TurboGears!

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